What you Need to Know to Create Your Website About Us Page
Your Website About Us page is one of the top viewed website pages on your site. On the web, the about us page is how potential clients get to know about you, your business, and your products and services. When a prospective customer visits your website and clicks on your About Us page, they want to find out these three key pieces of information. Seems simple enough but when you are faced with the blank page in front of you, just what to say might not be clear to you. We have 4 tips to help you jump start your writing. Keeping it short and to the point without a lot of extra filler. You can make a strong connection with your potential customers and clients by speaking to them with the same words they use conversationally in simple understandable language.Top 4 Tips to Creating Your About Us Page
- Tell Prospective Customers About Your Company’s Mission and Vision
- Make a high level statement about the products and service you offer
- Tell a short story about your business and how you came into existence and why you do the things you do
- Write, Edit, Re-write, with an extremely critical eye
Website About Us Page: Defining your Mission and Vision
Make a bold statement about the way you see your company’s future; its what you wish your organization would be when it grows up. Your Mission statement is more directed towards the now and provide a purpose to help unify the work you focus on.
Company: Google
Vision: To provide access to the world’s information in one click.
Mission: To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Company: TED
Mission: Spread ideas.
Vision: We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and, ultimately, the world.
Website About Us Page: What Can you do for your Customers or Clients
What you can offer your customers and clients? This is more than just a laundry list of what you have to offer in the form of products or services. It is a statement of what you do, who you do it for, and how you deliver value in the form of your products and services to your prospective customers and client. Here is where you want to WOW them by carefully considering your answers to the following questions:For whom are we creating value?
Who are our most important customers?
What pain or gain are we solving for them?
Take a look at this example from the Munchery Weekly Prepared Foods to get an idea of how they created a simple message for a wide variety of offerings.