Website Images Usage Rights Basics
Using a web search to find website images can be a great tool to find the perfect pick. Here are the basics of how you can figure out the usage rights of the images you find via search. We will walk through a basic image search to show you how to find this key information. We have searched for images for “Google” by typing in the word “Google” in the Google Search box then selecting the link for image. This search will give you a large number of images to take a look at.
How to Search for Images for Your Website
To find out which images are candidates to use on your website, you must refine this list a bit further. The next step is to click on the “Tools” (refer to label 1. on image below) button, then the “Labeled for reuse selection” (refer to label 2. on image below) which exposes a list of reuse types. Select “Labeled for reuse” (refer to label 3. on image below) from this list. The next image shows you what this will look like.